Monday, May 16, 2011

Vesak 2011 - Special Celebration



 Program - 2555 VESAK CELEBRATIONS – 2011
We are pleased to invite you to the Vesak celebrations which will be held on Saturday 14th
May at the NT Gymnasium school hall on Mälarvägen 2, at 14.00 hrs.
Buddhists all over the world celebrate this day in memory of the noble Buddha. Vesak
signifies Buddha´s birth, his enlightenment and his passing away to reach Parinibbana.
According to history all these events took place in the full moon day, month of May in
different years.
This year´s ceremony is special because we are celebrating ”Sambuddha Jayanthi” - 2555
years of Buddhism´s existance.
The programme for the day will be as follows:
13.30 – 14.00 Assembling at the school hall on Mälarvägen 2
14.00 – 14.10 Welcome speeches
14.10 – 14.15 ”Pradeepa puja” (traditional lighting of candles) to venerate to the
At the same time will play the special music of Samuddha Jayanthi
Geetha (commemorative song from the ministry of Buddha saasana in
Sri Lanka)
14.15 – 15.00 Administering of Panca Sila (five precepts) led by Bhante Dhammaratana
Dhamma talk on Vesak followed by meditation
15.00 – 15.10 Children´s Vesak dance
15.10 – 15.40 Discourse by Staffan Hammers from the Vipassana group in SBS
15.40 – 16.20 Tea-break (tea, coffee, refreshments)
Childrens´ Vesak drawing
16.20 – 17.00 Buddhist devotional songs (Bhakhthi geetha)
17.00 – 18.00 ”Atavisi Buddha puja” –the traditional offerings to commemorate &
Venerate to the twenty eight previous Buddhas that had existed through
the years
18.00 End of programme
Following day (15th of May,Sunday); programme:From 09.00 a.m. to 04.00 p.m.
meditation retreat with Uposatha seela, Dhamma discussion.
All are welcome
Buddhist Vihara Association 05-05-2011
Sångv. 9 Buddhistiska Tempelstiftelsen Buddhistiska Viharaföreningen
17736 Järfälla, Sweden Organisationsnr: 802011-8884 Organisationsnr:802016-3831
Tele: +46 8 580 313 23 Fax:+8 50007018 PlusGiro: 493 16 18 - 5 PlusGiro:26 93 04 – 2

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